The collection of icons in the Lower Church was made possible through the donations of parishioners and other benefactors. The icons were painted by Archimandrite Zinon (Theodore) and iconographers such as Natalia Zeltser, Yaroslav Yakimchuk, Ioann Yakimchuk, and Ilya Ivankin.
The icon scheme can be viewed at the end of this page.
Besides the newly painted icons, the Lower Church holds an old, 19th century Feodorovskaya icon of the Mother of God, which was presented to the cathedral by Boris Gryzlov, chairman of the Board of Trustees.
Icons of the Lower church comprise a whole assembly of Apostolic saints’ images, such as the holy fathers, founders of monasticism, great enlighteners, and great teachers of the Church. There are also icons of the saints who are honored in Russia, as well as icons of Mary Magdalene and St. Alexander Nevsky (patron saints of the cathedral).
Icons already painted:
Icons painted by archimandrite Zinon:
Image of Savior on ubrus (encaustic technique)
Image of Mother of God “The sign“ (encaustic technique)
Image of the holy great duke Alexander Nevsky (encaustic technique)
Image of the equal to the Apostles Mary Magdalene (encaustic technique)
Image of John the Baptist (encaustic technique)
Image of Peter and Paul (encaustic technique)
Image of Saint Anthony the Great
Image of martyr Irynei of Lion
The lectern icon of Resurrection of Christ (an angel appearing to the women who brought the anointing spices to Christ’s empty tomb). It is singed in Greek: “Come, see the place where the Lord lay” (Matthew 28:6)
Golgotha (the cross). View of the cross and the baptistry : 1 and 2.
Icons painted by Natalia Zeltzer:
Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God.
Icon of the righteous John of Kronstadt.
Icon of the blessed Ksenia of St.Petersburg.
Icon of the holy martyr archimandrite Lev, the last abbot of the Feodorovsky cathedral before its closure.
Icons of martyrs Kira and Ekaterina.
Icon of the holy martyr and healer Panteleimon.
Icons painted by Yaroslav and Ioann Yakimchuk:
Icon of the great martyr St. George.
Icons of the great duke Vladimir and great duchess Olga.
Icons of the martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lubov and Sofia.
Icon of the holy Serafim of Sarov.
Icon of the holy Sergyi of Radonezh.
Icon of archangel Michael.
Icon of the holy Nicholas the Miracleworker.
Icon of the martyrs Adrian and Natalia.
Icon of the great martyr Ekaterina.
Icons painted by Ilya Ivankin:
Icon of the righteous Filaret the Gracious and martyr Martha.
Icon of the passion bearing princes Boris and Gleb.
Icon of the holy Spiridon of Trimifunt.
The icon scheme and other items of the Feodorovsky Cathedral’s Lower Church.