Ministries in our Parish

Our parish puts Christian faith into practice in an outstanding number of ministries such as Bible studies, the catechism course, ministries for kids including Bible school and the children’s choir, the bell ringing ministry, school of Byzantine singing and many others. The youth of our parish goes camping, organizes retreats and volunteers for social work. A group of teetotalers holds meetings on a regular basis. All of these ministries meet the goal of reaching out to people and its needs in their every day life. One can easily find new friends, gain new skills, receive practical help in times of trouble and become a part of a team.

Bell ringing ministry




Children’s liturgies

Children’s ministry

Choir ministry

Cleaning up

Family ministry

Feodorovsky cathedral and school

Feodorovsky forum

Feodorovsky retreat

Feodorovsky saturday

Gold-embroidery workshop


Media information

Movie club

Prayer ministry

School of byzantine singing

School of znamenny singing

Social support

Sunday school


Theological courses


Youth ministry